Discover Trinity Church!
Learn more about Trinity, her ministries, and her people.
Welcome to Trinity!
We envision a vibrant, thriving, teaching congregation which is developing relationships with Jesus and for Jesus in the congregation, in the community, and on Salina’s college campuses.
We will achieve our vision by inviting people into relationship, investing in them, and then inspiring them to use their God-given talents to transform lives, the community, and the world.
We welcome you to our website, and hope what you discover here will inspire you to join us in worship either online or in-person! We offer various worship styles, yet all are comfortable and engaging. Dress as you like, grab a cup of coffee from our coffee shop, and settle into either a traditional or modern worship experience.
Children are welcome in all services. Yet, we do offer Sunday School from 9:45-10:45. A nursery is also available for pre-K children.
Adult classes are available during the 9:45 – 10:45 hour. There are also several additional classes offered throughout the week. These classes are open to anyone, and no registration is needed.
We have a strong youth program, and you can find more details on the Youth page.
If you have any questions, please call Pastor Eric Meyer at 479-426-8411.
We look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to a community that is striving for the Extraordinary!
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