
The Trinity In Touch Newsletter

The Trinity Newsletter is published every other week. The deadline to include information in the next newsletter is the Monday prior to publication. If you would like to submit an article, photo, or other information, please email

We also produce a weekly email blast, the eBlast. Information about upcoming events and ministries is provided here by staff and congregation. Contact Marilla in the office for more information.

The Trinity Tom Tom (TTT) was originally created to share information about a church member who was in Houston for treatment. Many years later it has grown into one of the primary resources for information in our community.

  • Please limit your submissions to the following areas:
    • Joys or concerns to share with the Trinity church family for celebration or prayer
    • Announcement about events or ministries connected to Trinity
  • Messages are posted as received. We will not edit the posts, or guess as to what people intended to say
  • When making prayer requests, please be sensitive of rights to privacy. Make sure the person for whom you are concerned is aware of the request and is comfortable with the information you are sharing. When in doubt, be less specific
  • Don’t forget to sign your name so there is no confusion who is making the request or announcement

So you have subscribed to the TTT but not getting the TTT.  Here is what to do.

  • Using the form to the right enter your email address and click on “Subscribe”.  Follow the instructions above the “Subscribe” button.
    • If your email address is NOT active or the instructions are not clear contact Tyler Breneman through the contact page.
    • If your email address is active then add to your email address book.

Pictorial Directory

The online directory is synchronized with the office database. To access the directory, you need a password. Please call the office for the password.

Digital Subscription Center

The Trinity Tom Tom is a prayer concern ministry, and the weekly eBlast and biweekly In-Touch Newsletter contains church events, worship announcements, and more. Using the form below, you can subscribe or re-subscribe to our digital publications sent out through MailChimp, our communications platform.


* indicates required

Trinity Tom Tom

E-Blast & Newsletter

Music Ministry