Become a Member
Church Membership
Church membership is also membership in the body of Christ. All baptized adults are welcomed into this body by affirming that they will support the local congregation and the universal body of Christ with their 1. prayers, 2. presence in worship and study, 3. gifts of time, talent, and financial support, 4. service to others, and 5. witnessing about their experiences of God received through the previously listed activities.
Christ constitutes the church as his body by the power of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:13, 27). The church draws new people into itself as it seeks to remain faithful to its commission to proclaim and exemplify the gospel. Baptism is the sacrament of initiation and incorporation into the body of Christ. After baptism, the church provides the nurture that makes possible a comprehensive and lifelong process of growing in grace. Becoming a professing member requires the answer of faith of the baptized person made visible in a service of profession of Christian faith and confirmation using the vows of the baptismal covenant.
Baptized infants and children are to be instructed and nurtured in the meaning of the faith, the rights and responsibilities of their baptism, and spiritual and moral formation using materials approved by The United Methodist Church. Using the services of the baptismal covenant, youth will profess their faith, commit themselves to a life of discipleship, and be confirmed. Confirmation is both a human act of commitment and the gracious action of the Holy Spirit strengthening and empowering discipleship.
Youth and adults who have not been baptized and who are seeking to be transformed by Christ as they lead a life centered upon Jesus are proper candidates for baptism in The United Methodist Church. It shall be the duty of the congregation, led by the pastor, to instruct them in the meaning of baptism, in the meaning of the Christian faith, and in the history, organization, and teachings of The United Methodist Church. The ceremony of baptism is offered either with the congregation or with several members of the congregation as they are part of the family the new members will be joining. Baptism is a gift of grace to all involved.
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