Trinity Foundation

The Foundation makes it possible for a gift from you today to last into the future, enabling you to have a part in the work of Christ, through Trinity, for years to come.

All of us are in debt to the past. We drink from wells we have not dug; enjoy liberties we have not won; practice a faith modeled by Jesus 2000 years ago. By giving to the Trinity Foundation, we can share our appreciation for all we have received so freely. We can secure the future of Trinity so that others may know Christ for generations to come.

Giving reflects the love of Christ in the hearts of people. It is a vital part of Christian living. The Trinity United Methodist Church Foundation was established to be the union of many gifts, both small and large, held in trust and managed for the perpetual benefit of Trinity. By producing investment income, it also provides immediate funding of special ministries and needs of Trinity today.


The Foundation was established to maximize earnings and to benefit Trinity much like a savings account serves a family. Since our by-laws require that 10% of the earnings be retained each year, the earning potential of the Foundation will not diminish with time.

Having the Foundation allows us to accept and fund new opportunities for Christian service projects by Trinity members or special needs at Trinity when they arise without disrupting our operating budget. Through the Endowment Fund, Trinity is also assured of continuing our present ministry and mission to Salina and the world into the future. Finally, special scholarships can be provided to Trinity members.

The donor benefits by joining others in an act of Christian stewardship which will perpetuate Trinity’s Christian influence through the years ahead.


Your first priority in your giving to Trinity should always be your annual giving to the Operating and Mission Budget as well as the Building Fund. These represent your basic financial stewardship which honors God, maintains our staff and facilities, and keeps us in mission to the world. The Foundation provides an additional but crucial opportunity for “second mile” giving.


Gifts to the Foundation may be in the form of a memorial to honor a loved one, a gift of thanksgiving on some special occasion, or a gift to obtain a current tax benefit. These gifts have no restriction regarding the use of the income and are encouraged because of the flexibility they provide in meeting unknown requirements of future years.


LIVING GIFTS: More and more people are deciding to help advance the work of the church by making gifts while they are living. These may be money, securities, property, or a gift which provides income for life. This brings to the donor a sense of personal accomplishment. LIFE INSURANCE: A person, whose life insurance coverage now exceeds family needs, may find that designating the Foundation as beneficiary is an ideal way to make a gift to Trinity. BEQUESTS: By remembering the Foundation, as well as your family and loved ones, in your will, you are helping to carry on Christ’s work on earth long after you are gone. In this manner you can gain a deep, inner satisfaction and leave a legacy to Trinity. REAL ESTATE: A gift of your personal residence can be made to Trinity, with the right to continue to use it for your lifetime enabling you to take an immediate tax deduction (and another estate tax deduction at time of death). In this way, middle income persons can make a sizable bequest with some immediate tax advantages.


The simplest gift through your will is a General Bequest whereby you bequeath a stated amount or a percentage of your estate to the Foundation without any conditions attached. If you are unsure of the needs of your estate, a Residuary Bequest provides that the remainder of your estate will be left to the Foundation after all other bequests are fulfilled. A Contingent Bequest bequeaths to the Foundation any part of your estate which the other beneficiaries are not able to receive. Please consult your financial advisor or your attorney when wording your bequest in your will.


The next move is yours. Consider your responsibility to pass on the worldly goods which God has provided for your use. Plan wisely for the Christian use of your estate both during your lifetime and after you are gone. In returning to God, through Trinity, a portion of what you have been able to accumulate through your life’s work as a Christian, you pass love and faith to new generations who follow. Contributing to the Foundation is for every person who wishes to extend his or her stewardship to their church during their lifetime and to leave a perpetual legacy for the future.


A Foundation Committee is appointed yearly by the Administrative Council with the approval of the Charge Conference of the church. This committee reports to the Finance Committee and the Administrative Council and all grants given must be approved by the Administrative Council. Our funds are all invested with the Greater Salina Community Foundation. If you would like to discuss the Foundation, make a contribution or obtain a grant application, please contact the Church office for the names of the members of the Foundation Committee. You may also download a grant application or view the latest quarterly financial report to the right.


Grant Application

Click here to apply!


2024 Q4 Foundation Report

Click here to read!