Worship at Trinity
We offer multiple services with a variety of musical styles on Sunday mornings, and offer livestreaming and on-demand options for digitally connecting with us.
Join our live stream here!
You can find our attendance pad, giving links, and bulletins here!
Worship with Us!
Late Traditional Service
Join us at our late morning Traditional Worship Service at 11am in the Sanctuary, located at the South end of the building. Led by the Chancel Choir and organ, we offer a variety of musical styles and selections to glorify the Lord.
Modern Service
This upbeat, modern service is led by Pastor Eric and the Worship Band. Join us in the Family Life Center every week at 9:50am for communion, fellowship, and worship!
Early Traditional Service
Our Early Traditional Worship services is located in our Sanctuary on the South end of the building. Join us each week at 8:30am! The Folk Choir and Men’s Choir add to the worship service throughout the month.