
Our church provides college scholarships to Trinity youth who are either high school seniors or current college students continuing their undergraduate studies. These scholarships may be used at any college of the student’s choice. The original money for the Trinity Scholarship Fund was provided by the receipts from a 2008 benefit concert given by Les Lankhorst. Since then, the Fund has grown by memorial donations, generous contributions made by individuals or groups supporting Trinity youth and additional concerts by Les Lankhorst, Jan and Mitch Todd, and Joelle Coachman.

The generosity of the members of Trinity has enabled us to provide numerous scholarships over the past years. It is our hope that this fund will continue to grow so that in the future we will be able to provide more and larger scholarships for both high school seniors and undergraduate college students from Trinity.

The deadline for receipt of the completed scholarship application and transcripts will be 3:00pm, on April 17, 2025. The Scholarship Committee will notify the applicant of receipt or rejection of a scholarship and the amount by the end of April.

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