VBS Registration

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Child 1

Child 1's Name
Child 1's Gender
Days Child 1 plans to attend VBS
Food plays an important role at VBS. Does your child have any food allergies? If so, please list them.

Child 2

Child 2's Name
Child 2's Gender
Days Child 2 plans to attend VBS
Food plays an important role at VBS. Does your child have any food allergies? If so, please list them.

Child 3

Child 3's Name
Child 3's Gender
Days Child 3 plans to attend VBS
Food plays an important role at VBS. Does your child have any food allergies? If so, please list them.

Contact & Permissions

Parent/Guardian Name
Do you have a church home?
I understand each student will be asked to bring a water bottle for the week.
Pictures will be taken throughout the week of VBS. They will be displayed during worship on Sunday, June 19 as part of the VBS celebration. May we use pictures of your student(s)?
Secondary Emergency Contact
If the person listed as Parent/Guardian cannot be reached, please contact this person.
If the person listed as Parent/Guardian cannot be reached, please contact this person.

5th & 6th Grade

I am registering a 5th or 6th grade student